Nagrada Turistički cvet 2005.
2005 Tourist Flower Award


We are very proud to announce that
Mr. Branko Rabotic,
who runs
Belgrade Sightseeing Guide Service, has just won the

for Excellence in Tourism in the
Tourist Guide category.

The award is given by
National Tourism Organization of Serbia (NTOS), after a process of selection between competing candidates which includes video recording of the guide's on-site presentation and rigorous evaluation of his/her verbal and nonverbal communication skills (The Art of Guiding), as well as of his/her overall professional achievement.
The decision is made by a committee made up of prominent and experienced tourism professionals specially appointed by NTOS.



2005 TOURIST FLOWER AWARD for Excellence in Tourism
in the
Tourist Guide category was presented to Mr. Branko Rabotic
during the International Tourism Fair
(IFT) in Belgrade,
on 20th of April, 2006.

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